
Free AI Detector and AI Content Humanizer

Use Surfer’s free AI content checker to detect AI-generated text. Convert your AI written content into writing that looks like it was written by a skilled and experienced human writer.

Humanize 50,000 Words

Paste your AI-generated text into the editor below. Surfer’s AI Content Detector will find AI text that you can then humanize to look like natural human writing.

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AI Detector and AI Humanizer support only the English language as of today. More languages to come! Subscribe for updates ↘
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Trusted by 150,000+ Content Creators, SEOs, Agencies, and Teams

What is an AI detector?

An AI detector identifies whether a piece of content has been created by artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT and Claude rather than a person.

AI detection is important in areas like education, publishing, and content creation, where differentiating between human text and AI content ensures authenticity, academic integrity, and compliance with content standards.

Surfer Content Editor

Detect AI Written Content

Surfer’s AI detection tool analyzes your content for AI-generated text, plagiarism, and grammatical correctness before revising it to look like it was written by a human writer.

Whether it's ChatGPT content or other AI content generators, Surfer can help you detect AI-generated content and rewrite it to read and flow as if it were written by a human writer.

Identify AI Content

Surfer’s AI detection tool helps editors maintain the quality and authenticity of published articles by distinguishing between human and AI-generated text.

Uphold Academic Integrity

As a teacher or student, ensure that your assignments and research papers are original, preventing AI-generated content from compromising academic standards.

Legal and Compliance

Using an AI detector can help ensure compliance with regulations requiring transparency and authenticity in fields like medical, legal, and financial services.


Humanize AI-Generated Writing

Surfer’s AI Humanizer tool helps you rewrite AI-generated content into natural sounding text that reads as though it was written by a human, preserving the original intent and style.

Bypass AI detectors

Surfer's AI humanizer converts AI-generated text into human-like content so that your text will not have any of the overused sentences and words that make AI content stand out.

Marketing and SEO

The Humanizer rewrites AI-generated text into human like content in a tone that resonates that readers can relate to while maintaining SEO keywords and phrases important for high-ranking content.

Improve AI generated text

Surfer’s Humanizer tool helps bloggers and content creators ensure their work is original by rephrasing text created with AI writing tools, thus ensuring that your humanized text is plagiarism free.

ChatGPT Content Detector

Easily detect AI content generated by ChatGPT making it simple for editors and content creators to confirm the human origins of their content.

Humanize ChatGPT Content

This tool is perfect for writers who want to make ChatGPT-written content sound more like it was written by a person.

Ideal for bloggers, marketers, and writers who use AI tools to help with drafting but need the final output to pass AI detectors.

How does the AI detector work?

Surfer’s AI content detector uses algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze writing patterns, use of language, and other linguistic elements that are characteristic of AI content writing.

Text Analysis

The detector analyzes your text for language, grammar, and syntax patterns. Repetitive phrases, a consistent tone, and a predictable structure are often signs that content was generated by AI.

Machine Learning Algorithms

Our AI detection algorithms are trained on large datasets of both human-written and AI-generated texts. The AI detection tool learns to differentiate by picking up on language details and changes in style.

Statistical Models

Surfer’s AI detector uses advanced statistical analysis, such as n-grams and word frequency distributions to compare human and AI-generated content.

Feature Extraction

Texts created by AI tools have a similar style and lack the variety seen in human writing. The AI detection tool evaluates the number of words, the difficulty of the sentences, and how well they make sense.

Probability Scoring

The probability score that the AI content detector assigns indicates how likely it is that the text was created using AI. A 99% score, therefore suggests AI content, while lower scores indicate higher human origin.

Avoid AI content detectors

Surfer’s Humanizer fine-tunes your AI articles, rephrasing their writing style and tone to meet human-like writing standards.

This lets you adjust any AI-produced material to remain undetectable by AI content detectors like Originality, ZeroGPT, Quillbot, Copyleaks and Undetectable AI.

What does Google say about humanizing AI content?

Google says it prioritizes original, user-focused content, regardless of how it was created.

Detecting AI content is important because using AI content generators can affect how authentic and high-quality readers view your content.

Even though Google does not punish the correct use of AI content, your readers or clients may expect to see human writing that they believe holds greater value.

Other instances where AI detection may be helpful are when you create original academic research or pay for outsourced content by the word or hour.

But if you are creating content for the web, AI detection is not necessary. Google has stated time and time again that the value that content brings is its main concern, not the process of creating it.

Although humanizing AI text is okay, any information produced by AI tools must be comprehensible, natural, and helpful to the reader.

Frequently Asked Questions on AI detection

What does an AI detector do?

An AI detector identifies whether a piece of content is generated by an AI writer or written by a human. It looks at text and sentence patterns to distinguish between AI content and real human writing and assigns an AI probability score based on its evaluation.

What does an AI Humanizer do?

An AI humanizer tool changes AI-created content to look more like it was written by a person. It uses sentence and style patterns typical of human writers to make the text seem more real.

The goal of the humanizer is to help text generated by AI pass simpler AI detectors and be easier to read so that it connects better with human users while keeping the main ideas and context.

How do AI content detectors work?

AI content detectors read text to find patterns and traits that are common in content made by AI. They use machine learning algorithms that have been trained on big sets of texts written by humans and computers.

The detector compares language patterns, grammar, sentence complexity, coherence, and word use to known samples and displays a probability score that shows how likely it is that AI wrote the content.

Should you use an AI content detector?

Using an AI content checker ensures your text is original and real.

For teachers, it helps AI-generated submissions and upholds academic honesty. Editors and marketers can use it to verify the authenticity of their work, ensuring it reflects individual efforts and enhancing trust and reliability.

Does Surfer’s Humanizer plagiarize content?

Surfer’s AI Humanizer rewrites your existing AI-generated content into natural-sounding text that reads as though it was written by a human while preserving the original intent and style.

It does not plagiarize content from existing sources on the web. If your original content has been plagiarized, Surfer will rewrite it, but you should verify if the underlying information appears too close to the original plagiarized source.

What are some common applications for AI content detectors?

AI content detectors are commonly used in academic settings to detect AI plagiarism and maintain academic integrity. In the publishing industry, these tools help identify and eliminate AI-generated content that might lack originality or contain biases.

AI content detectors are also used in writing to ensure that news stories are real and stop spreading false information.

How reliable are AI content detectors?

AI content detectors work pretty well, but they are not perfect.

They can mark phrases and patterns of grammar that are common in AI text but might have trouble with more advanced AI results that look a lot like human writing.

False positives can also occur when human-written content is mistakenly identified as AI-generated.

AI content analyzers are good for initial screening, but human oversight is necessary to ensure that their results are correct.

How are AI content detectors different from plagiarism checkers?

AI detection tools are primarily designed to find content that was made by AI. They mark any parts that look like they were not originally written by a human.

Their main job is to distinguish between text written by a person and text written by a computer.

On the other hand, plagiarism checkers look for material that has been copied or is not original. They compare the text against a huge database of other works to see if there are any parallels or signs of plagiarism.

How can AI content detectors benefit educational institutions?

AI detectors can benefit educational institutions by making it easy to find plagiarised work, helping maintain academic standards among students.

They can help teachers check the quality of of AI-generated student submissions, ensuring that the content meets educational criteria and learning goals.

Can AI content detectors be used in legal and compliance settings?

AI content detectors can be helpful in law and compliance settings by looking for language patterns, terminologies, and compliance-related phrases in your initial draft.

They can identify inconsistencies, potential legal risks, and non-compliant content, thus improving the accuracy and reliability of legal documents.

However, it’s crucial to combine AI detection with human oversight to interpret nuanced legal contexts and make informed decisions.

Can AI Humanizer tools bypass AI content detectors?

AI humanizers modify AI-generated content to make it appear more human-like. These techniques can make AI text seem more human-like real, but their ability to reliably evade AI content detectors is dependent on how sophisticated the detector and humanizer are.

Less advanced detectors might not pick up an article written using an AI humanizer, but more advanced ones might pick it up.

Is there a way to improve AI-generated content to avoid detection?

Adding human edits and fact-checking AI-generated content could improve it and reduce the likelihood of it being flagged as AI content.

Text humanizers can change the way AI writes by getting rid of passive voice and other common AI patterns. It's also beneficial to include different points of view and add personal examples.

What are the limitations of AI content detectors?

Even though AI content detectors are advanced, they can sometimes mistake human-written content for AI-generated content.

These tools might also have trouble with creative or complex writing where the style does not follow the usual rules. Also, AI detectors might not always take context into account, which could lead to false successes or negatives.

The technology is still evolving, and its accuracy varies depending on the sophistication of the algorithms and the quality of the datasets used for training. AI content analyzers are useful, but they should be used with human judgment to ensure their reliability.

How many languages does the AI content detector handle?

At the moment, Surfer’s AI detection tool has only been trained on content written in English.

Are there any ethical concerns with using AI content detectors?

AI-generated material can sometimes be misrepresented as human-written, which would be misleading and undermine trust.

This is particularly significant in sensitive areas like journalism, academic publishing, and financial and medical advice, where authenticity and credibility are very important.

Relying on AI detection could unintentionally reinforce biases found in the training data, leading to unfair evaluations. Transparency and responsible use are key to easing these worries and ensuring that AI content detectors are used to improve the quality and integrity of content and not to mislead readers.

Can AI content detectors identify AI-generated images or videos?

It’s possible that some AI content detectors have evolved beyond just analyzing text and can now identify AI-generated images and videos. However, Surfer’s AI detector does not offer such capabilities at this time.

What steps can I take if an AI detector falsely flags my content?

If an AI detector has incorrectly flagged your content, review it to see if there are any parts that could have caused the detection.

Manually edit the content to adjust phrases, structures, and words that seem mechanical or repetitive.

Keep a copy of your drafts and any changes you made to show that your work is original. But overall, it's important to understand that AI detectors are not foolproof and can sometimes lead to inaccurate conclusions. Educate your client or editor while showing your version history, to prove your original writing.

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• Humanize 50,000 words
• Unlimited AI detection
• Access to Surfer Platform